“The Present Peace May be Disturbed…” The Falling Creek Ironworks and Henrico Island

March 22, 1622, was the end of an eight-year peace between English colonists and the Powhatan Confederacy, led by Opechancanough the Powhatan warriors went on an all-day military offensive on that “bloodie day” resulting in the death of almost 350 colonists. Join historic interpreters as they portray and examine through living history the people of 1622 -Powhatan people and warriors, English soldiers, English colonists, and the ending of the 1614 peace in bloodshed. There will be van tours to take visitors over to Falling Creek Ironworks (included in admission) and a wreath laying at noon.


Henricus Lecture Series

Blood Along the River: The Destruction of the Henrico Settlements from Falling Creek to Appomattox

The Church

3 p.m.

Lecture led by Henricus Interpretation Supervisor John Pagano.


Date: Saturday, March 22 

Time: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Cost: $13/adult, $9/children ages 5-12; Henricus Members: free