Agriculture Through the Ages: Teacher Workshop
Henricus Historical Park & the VA Farm Bureau’s Agriculture in the Classroom Joint Presentation
(Open to All Educators for grades pre-K – 5)
Join Henricus Historical Park and Agriculture in the Classroom staff for a SOL- and STEM-aligned workshop focusing on the earliest historical agriculture to modern-day Virginia agriculture. The workshop will include Colonial and Virginia Indian agricultural history and Project-Based Learning activities and modern-day environmental and agricultural activities, teacher lesson plans and free resources. All public, private, and home school educators are welcome.
For more information and registration, contact Ag in the Classroom at aitc@vafb.com or 804-290-1143.
Date: Thursday, July 20
Time: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Cost: Free. Lunch included. Teacher re-certification hours available through AITC.