Camp Wingapo

What did a Powhatan child do for fun during the 17th century?  In our re-created Powhatan settlement of Arrohateck, campers will explore the environment and life of Pocahontas and the culture of the Powhatan people through demonstrations, activities, and arts and crafts.

Ages: 6-9

Dates: June 24 – 26

Time: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Cost: $ 160 non-members; $135 members

Refunds: Full refunds are available until May 25, half refunds are available from May 26 – June 9.


  • Hands-on activities include cooking, farming, archery, music and dancing, engineering, canoe scraping, fish net weaving, and pottery.
  • Make-and-take crafts are included.

Registration is open! To register, email or call (804) 318-8797.